Looking out into the living room, into the sea of sweatshirts with different acronyms and colors, I have come to realize that school is basically over. First we were all counting down to spring break, and now that spring break is over, the only countdowns left are: Coachella, prom, and Hawaii/graduation. I refer to them as “the big three,” the three last rites of passage that I have been waiting for since seventh grade – actually, since I first started watching episodes of Beverly Hills 90210, believing that high school had valet parking and cute guys with sideburns.
In light of my last column, I have decided to collect information – tidbits and words of wisdom from the girls at the head of the pack who are now leaving for bigger futures: try to keep your head on straight; take hard semester classes first semester, so come second you don’t have to show up until one in the afternoon; chemistry is good in ninth grade because you can finish science by junior year; take what classes you want to take; go out for drama if you’ve never participated in an art before and make sure to support your classmates at the sports tournaments; talk to your teachers outside of class – they’re interesting people; and last but not least, laugh a lot.
I know these words of advice might seem trivial, but they will make everything seem a lot better. And another word of advice to the seventh graders: don’t bother buying another skirt. See, the Marlborough skirt is sort of like a trophy – it can weather through thick and thin, through six years, ripped hems, staplers and however many spilled lunches. And lastly, work hard. This seems pretty obvious, right? But, do me a favor - enjoy every single minute, because Marlborough is unlike any place you will ever find in the entire world (even if we are missing a library).
– Evan ’08
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